Adoptees United is facilitating the fourth and possibly last Adoptees of Twitter. If you have never joined our Zoom-based #adopteesoftwitter, sign up below to get the link to join us on December 22, 2022.
Call it whatever you want: Open Mic, Town Hall, Happy Hour, or just getting together in person (by video) to talk. Whatever it is, the next and possible season finale of Adoptees of Twitter is Thursday, December 22, 2022—beginning at 6pm Pacific | 8pm Central | 9pm Eastern. We’ll talk about the future of Twitter and its alternatives, including if people are dumping Twitter and going elsewhere given the chaotic and questionable future of the platform.
Note: If you have registered for Adoptees of Twitter before and joined our mailing list, you should have been notified of the new date and received the Zoom link for this event. If not, you should register.
This event is facilitated and moderated by Adoptees United Inc. AU provides its Zoom space so that Adoptees of Twitter can take over the discussion. People can talk, mingle, and get to know each other. All are welcome (even if you are not on Twitter) so long as you remain respectful. Register below.
Sorry, Adoptees of Twitter: Season Finale has ended and is not available for registration.
Other Upcoming Events
Event: Q&A on the New Citizenship Clinic
Adoptees United is excited to announce the launch of a free and low cost legal service for intercountry adoptees who have US citizenship questions or issues.
Register Now: Minneapolis Mini-Conference
A hybrid get-together in Minneapolis on June 28-29, 2024, with Friday evening events followed by Saturday afternoon sessions and discussion panels.