As of December 1, 2021, 59 kits have been delivered or are in the process of being delivered. They include three intercountry adoptees (born in the Philippines, Guatemala, and Brazil), 54 domestic adoptees, and one descendant of an adoptee.One donor specifically earmarked funds for purchasing AncestryDNA kits for any birthparents impacted by forced adoptions at the Bethesda Home for Mothers in Mississippi. One DNA kit has been distributed to a birthmother under that specific donation.
A map showing the states where the adoptee was born and for which DNA kits were provided is below. The map does not include the three intercountry adoptees who were born in the Philipines, Guatemala, and Brazil.

DNA Kit Distribution
Nearly 150 people have applied for a kit. The two most common reasons for not approving a kit include: 1) not eligible under the current requirements; and 2) the person did not provide additional needed information and did not respond to requests to clarify that information. The top reasons for people not meeting eligibility requirements include:
- The person has already done DNA testing but would like a different kit (e.g., they tested with 23andMe and now wish to test with AncestryDNA);
- The person was born in a state where an OBC is available upon request (e.g., New York prior to the change in the law in 2020);
- The person is not an adoptee or a descendant of an adoptee.
Donations and Purchases
As of December 1, 2021, fifty-two individuals and organizations have donated funds that total more than $3,500, an average of $67.31 per donor. Some donors have provided financial assistance multiple times. Since the program started in 2017 (with Adoptee Rights Law Center), 63 AncestryDNA kits have been purchased, generally at an average price of $59.00 per kit, including shipping. Adoptees United contributes the time and cost of mailing the kits to approved people.
As of December 1, 2021, we have four kits available for distribution and a balance of $189.38 in the donation fund.
Participate in the DNA Kit Donation Program
Each year in December we send out requests for financial donations to the program, but donations are welcome all year. Please consider giving any amount. Adoptee and descendant requests for DNA Kits are welcome, but please review the eligibility requirements carefully before making your request.