And getting there requires your help and your tax-deductible contributions.

We started Adoptees United as a way to provide a powerful national voice for all adopted people in the United States. Our efforts are intended to be as open and transparent as possible, including sharing our resources with people and organizations who commit to our mission.
This means raising money to do what we have to do. Our initial efforts require about $8,000 as soon as possible so that we can move forward with accomplishing initial goals. This includes the following top priorities:
- Subscribing to a national legislative tracking service to provide real-time and immediate updates on state and federal legislation that impacts adult adopted people. This will include sharing state and federal level legislative analyses and using the service to engage our supporters and constituents across the country, whether in a specific state, numerous states, or in the US Congress. The cost of this service is $3,500 per year.
- Seeding a fund to assist adult intercountry adoptees with the filing fees associated with US immigration and citizenship issues. For instance, the fee for applying for a Certificate of Citizenship—despite the adoptee already being a citizen—is $1,170. Many adult adoptees cannot afford this fee plus the myriad other fees required for securing or proving citizenship. We want to seed this fund with at least $2,500 to get it started and moving.
- Building the Adoptees United infrastructure so that we can get our messages out quickly to those most impacted and also to those who are making decisions that impact us. This means funds for a robust website and database, for email and text delivery of messages, and for printed materials and reports to help in state and federal level information campaigns. The estimated cost for our first year is $2,000.
So here’s the deal. We want to make it a bit fun and worthwhile. First, if you give any amount you will be listed as a founding contributor to Adoptees United–forever. If you give $25 or more, we’ll throw in a snazzy AU window cling (pictured above). And if you contribute $75 or more, we’ll send you your choice of one of three adoptee-written books (see below) as well as a window cling and a puppy. Well, the puppy is not included, other than to grab and keep your attention.
Seriously, all contributions are needed and welcome. We hope you come through for us and, no matter if you support us in your heart or through your pocketbook, we will always work hard for all adult adopted people.