Join Adoptees United and peers for an open forum that centers transnational adopted people in a discussion about the latest developments in US immigration policy, practice, and operation.
Citizenship and Immigration Issues for Intercountry Adopted People: FAQ
A FAQ in response to the cases and questions we have been receiving online and in the Citizenship Clinic.
Announcing the Adoptees United Citizenship Clinic
Adoptees United is excited to announce the launch of a free and low cost legal service for intercountry adoptees who have US citizenship questions or issues.
Everything New: A Happy Hour
Join us on Monday, June 17, 2024, for an informal but informative happy hour that will highlight a buncha new things, such as Minnesota’s new law, the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024, and our upcoming hybrid conference.
Congress Introduces the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024
A bipartisan group in Congress has introduced the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024, continuing the fight to secure US citizenship for all adopted people brought to the United States for adoption.
Legislative Forum 2024: What We Expect
Join us to kick off the 2024 legislative sessions and to highlight state and federal adoptee rights priorities.