We’re excited to announce two virtual town halls in October and November, sandwiched around the November 3 election—and for good reason.
Massachusetts: The Time is Now
It’s now up to us—and up to the state Senate—to make full equality a reality for all Massachusetts adoptees.
A Long Road of Unfinished Business
We have work to do. And if you are a white adoptee who thinks that work is hard, it will only get harder in the months to come.
How Will COVID-19 Issues Affect Me?
Overview of COVID-19 issues that may impact adult adopted people beyond the immediate threat to a person’s health, community, and economic safety.
For Discussion: Position Statements on OBCs, Citizenship, and Identity Documents
Adoptees United seeks public comment on proposed position statements before we adopt them as official positions of the organization.
COVID-19: Conference Cancellations and Postponements
Most spring adoption-related conferences are being postponed or cancelled. Here’s what we know so far.