Join us on October 19, 2021, to launch an ambitious project to secure accurate online information and context for narratives of adopted people and their rights.
Latest News and Updates
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Adoptee Community
The first in a series of discussions about who is—and who should be—heard, included, and welcomed within adoptee rights work and issues.
Our Fall Happy Hour
A free-for-all happy hour on September 22, 2021, to discuss what’s on your mind, what we are planning, and what to expect for adoptee rights in the coming months.
Reclaiming Your History and Identity
The Story of Greek Adoptees and Intercountry Adoption, featuring Gonda Van Steen and Mary Cardaras. An Adoptees United event on June 9, 2021.
And Then There Were Five
In addition to the Adoptee Citizenship Act in Congress, we’re now down to five state-level bills that have potential for enactment.
FOIA and Intercountry Adoptees
A practical walk-through for intercountry adoptees about how to get your adoption-related records from the U.S. government.