French historians released a report on France’s history and involvement in intercountry adoption, finding decades-long evidence of illicit practices, fraud, and child trafficking.
An Evening with Gretchen Sisson, Author of Relinquished
Join us on for an in-depth conversation with scholar, author, and advocate Gretchen Sisson, as we talk about her work and her new book Relinquished The Politics of Adoption and the Privilege of American Motherhood.
Legislative Forum 2024: What We Expect
Join us to kick off the 2024 legislative sessions and to highlight state and federal adoptee rights priorities.
Swiss Report on Intercountry Adoption: English Translation
Swiss researchers describe fraught and haphazard practices that over decades established a “fait accompli” approach to transnational adoption, which facilitated child trafficking, led to falsified birth records, and ultimately promoted adoptive parent desire for a child over the best interests and welfare of vulnerable children and their families.
Understanding Abolition: A Conversation with Dorothy Roberts and Alan Dettlaff
Adoptees United is excited to bring prominent leaders in the movement to abolish the current US child welfare system. Join Adoptees United and Lia Epps on December 12, 2023, as we talk with Dr. Dorothy Roberts and Dr. Alan Dettlaff about their longstanding advocacy and scholarship.
Support AU on #GivingTuesday
Consider making a charitable donation to Adoptees United as part of the annual #GivingTuesday. Every contribution counts.